Trends and Statistics of Albuquerque 2018-2019
In this section you will learn about the key factors that will make Atlanta one of the most powerful real estate markets in 2018, including: Reasonableness, Cash Flow and Stock Growth Potential. Check out the housing, population and employment trends in Atlanta tabs to learn more.
Sources of information:
Atlanta is very affordable
- In neighborhoods where RWN members invest, the median purchase price was only $ 138,000 in January 2018. It is 32% cheaper than the national average.
- This shows us that real estate in Atlanta is cheaper than many cities across the state. This is especially true in neighborhoods where members of the Wealth Real network invest.
Atlanta is cash flowing
- In neighborhoods where RWN members invest, rent 3-bedroom homes for $ 1,265 a month, which is 0.92% of the $ 138 purchase price.
- This shows us that it is possible to generate a passive monthly cash flow from properties in Atlanta, at a higher than average national rent-to-purchase ratio.
Atlanta appreciates
- In the last six years (January 2012 to January 2018), 3-bedroom homes in Atlanta have been rated 66%. At that time, 3-bedroom home values were rated at only 41% nationwide.
- This shows us that property values in Atlanta are valued at a higher rate than in most cities in the US today.
Atlanta is in demand
- Atlanta is experiencing both population growth and employment growth at a rate higher than the national average.
- Rents have also risen at a consistent rate (only 1% less than the national average) over the past six years, so it seems to be already creating increased demand for housing.
Atlanta is regenerating
- With more than $ 5 billion in private investment since 2000 and an initiated community planning and construction team, Midtown, Atlanta stands out as one of the largest neighborhoods in the state.
- With the tremendous development of a new development that will house more than 8,000 new jobs (see “Bonus” section below), we can expect the Atlanta population to continue to grow in the coming years. And this is good news for real estate investors.
[Bonus] Midtown 2018 development
Last year, Midtown Atlanta received national recognition as “ Great place to live , ”Due to the continued development and resuscitation in the neighborhood. When we settle in 2019, it is quite likely that this growth will not slow down any time soon. Here are some notable projects in the works:
Coda [Under Construction]: Massive development in Technology Square is underway. The 22-story tower and complex will include 620,000 square meters of offices, a 100,000 square meter computer center and 46,500 square meters of retail space. The breakthrough was held in December 2016 in the hope that the building will be done in early 2019.
Colony Square [Under Construction]: One of the original developments in downtown Atlanta is causing a major update that will include an Apple store, upscale shopping, upscale restaurants and eventually a second tower.
NCR Corporate Headquarters II [Under Construction]: The first tower of the Fortune 500 company has already been completed and work on the Tower II is now being completed. Upon completion of construction the two towers will offer more than 750,000 square feet of office space to the Tech Square area.
Whole foods [Under Construction]: This whole food will not be your typical grocery. The three-story supermarket will include groceries, along with a brewery, restaurants and a cooking school.
Planning to visit Atlanta before you invest? You should know that it is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket on Sundays. But it's really cool to do it Monday through Saturday. Oh, and it's also illegal to tie a giraffe to a lamp post.