Bank Account. I plan to fly and visit the two FLIP projects that we manage, I thought to take advantage of ...
Bank Account.
I plan to fly and visit the two FLIP projects we are running, thought to take the opportunity to open a bank account to our (second) LLC, and a personal bank account. I would be happy to have recommendations on a bank, and a location / branch
I realized that it is worth visiting a branch that has "experience" in opening an account for foreign investors. (In order not to fall on a head-raising official, who will require all sorts of demands).
I fly to Cincinnati OH, and probably I can pass in NY / NJ, to get into the bank.
Thanks in advance for helpers!
Bentzi, Bank of America, will have cash on hand, and will be able to make on-line transfers through the Zelle application
At the time I went to my bank to check for my brother to open an American account, because he is a blood contact and I am a longtime customer they agreed but he will have to come with two IDs for example: passport, international driver's license Many certainly not on the East Coast.
I would be happy to update you after the trip. I was not allowed to open an account at the Bank of America account for the LLC when I was physically at the branch
Guys, really thanks for all the help! … It's great to be part of this wonderful group!
From personal experience not to open in Wales Fargo, the ways to manage the account and funds remotely are very limited and inconvenient, it is important beyond the ease of opening the account to research the ease of current activity (payment to suppliers, money transfer, etc.) I will move to Chase, I will update how soon
Ari Frank
How can I open a feeling. Without flying.
Bank of America - Probably most convenient for foreign residents, online banking, etc., and with an excellent distribution throughout the United States. Also the only one that allows to open an account even for those who are not in the country
In any bank you choose, it is important that you have the option to manage your account on the site and transfer funds (check that there are no limits on amounts).
It is worthwhile to make a good contact with the banker who can open accounts for you in the future even remotely…
Hi Bentzi,
The bank I recommend:
BB & T- Banking & Trust
Are friendly to investors and the former is even cheaper in commissions.
Luckily, he also has a branch in Cincinnati (check it out and make an appointment beforehand to open an account).
It is important to make sure that there is a branch to the bank where you open the market in which you work.
Good luck Bentzi!
At Chis opened to my investor with the property address, we added her first name to the electricity bill. You can do this with any account and then they are ready
By the way .. if you are in New York ..
She will meet with Lior
Lior Liorchik
Need 2 certificates to identify
Coming with a passport and driving license is enough
Give your address in order to get the karad datab and do not forget to do the peefers account and give an email address at the opening of the account
Recommend that you open the BankOfAmerica
I open accounts there
Turn to light in light of Noel
I ask another question:
1. Why llc your two rather than the same one?
2. If you've already developed a LLC mom that will hold LLC girls..other little cost but worth and a finance assistant
And there are mortgages backed by foreign citizens
Sundern Bank.
Only bank of America and give the address of the property or any address in the USA, you must.
Bank of America
Bank of America relatively easy, or was easy. Sure non-American forum members can give you tips. Successfully!