Report from Tuesday in Birmingham and amazingly discover how much the region is developing, areas that were previously regional ...
Original publication date on the United States Real Estate Forum on Facebook:
Report from the field Tuesday in Birmingham and amazing to discover how the region is developing, areas that were previously war zones by locals, are undergoing population change processes
, Which is reported by a field report Tuesday in Birmingham and amazing to discover how the region is developing, areas that were previously war zones by locals, are undergoing population change processes
, Who talk to the agents on the ground, the bankers and the renovators, and that's exactly what I do here every day. You can understand the reasons, the municipality's efforts to renovate and upgrade neighborhoods, and no less to know which areas to avoid,
There are areas that fit the flip and those that will fit into buy and hold, which generate double-digit returns.
Those who buy in these places today can invest even large sums, lower than I thought before the trip, will enjoy a tremendous increase in value in the coming years, and the best signs on the ground are the amount of renovations and activity
Things you see from here can not be seen from there
This is the way to increase equity and steady cash flow
This is the way to pension, and economic freedom and should not wait for the age of 67
Link to the original post on the United States Real Estate Forum on Facebook - Works on a desktop computer:
The original responses to the post can be read at the bottom of the current post page on the site or in the link to a post on Facebook and of course you are invited to join the discussion
Thank you very much for sharing and will continue to share
Good luck Dror!
Where is it, USA or England?
Yossi Golan
sounds amazing…. How do you know which area is suitable for flip and which to buy and hold?
I will give general reinforcement to your words…
From the financing angle…
Those operating in and around Birmingham, the interest rates for flip deals provided by Lander are usually low… around 8.5% -9%…
An interesting anecdote
A new unit for Alabama Bendelenfadia opens in your honor
Thank you Dror! Excellent reporting and we will be happy to continue reporting - there is nothing like seeing eyes and Boots on the ground!