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  1. Daniel said a lot of right things. The issue of price and refund in my opinion is too decisive. You are right that people buy houses at cheap prices and later find out that the deal is not good but I assure you that someone who knows the job well and delves can also succeed in deals of 70k and less. Depending on the area and condition of the home and the risk you are willing to take.

  2. Before courses of how to need many reasons for "why". Nowadays sex is the hot name long before there is another Robert - Kiyosaki in my opinion the father of the method of getting out of the circle of mice that I have read a lot and apply. In any case, I suggest that you read a lot about the "why" afterwards, that you want how to look for good and growing areas for investment (a hint is not in the northern United States how cheap it is and most of the Israeli herd is Cleveland Detroit & Co. abandoned by the Americans…).
    They talked about Rafi here, so you should know that he is a decent and honest person. I have known him since the days when he was just starting his business and was a one-on-one mentor. I was specifically taught by my brother who at the time lived in the USA and brought me a ready-made gold operation after I saw how he implemented and accumulated assets according to the Kiyosaki method. When I wanted someone to learn how to do things from the country, then Rafi was the answer to hermetically close the corner and we have been friends ever since. So today sex is the hot name but the methodology is the same.
    In summary read educate find area and then you have a maximum one-on-one consultant for analyzing a deal.
    My tip about trying a quality property in the US will cost at least 150k and should yield at least 1200 dollars. If something very cheap there is a reason for that. Less than that, you shouldn't mess around.
    Another tip the US is full of deals most of which are not good it means there is a small percentage of bonanza and it needs to be located and it connects to the previous tip of price and absolute income.
    Invest independently and not be tempted by companies that market prepared deals in guaranteed yield.


  3. Hi Daniel…
    Fun to be here…
    So ... to know, you have to ask. in any subject.
    Do not be afraid or afraid.
    There is no stupid question
    For every question you have, there is someone who will answer you.
    It is better to ask than to do without knowledge and to make mistakes that at best are finished with money.
    Divide into areas and topics and ask

  4. Daniel Saada Swisa is invited to talk to me tomorrow happily :) or register here in a forum that everyone can generate from your questions :)
    A graduate of Robert Shumen from 2014, I have accompanied over 100 projects of private and multi-family houses and have also a stunning digital course :)

  5. Thank you Daniel for joining the forum. Well done for doing! The forum employs a large number of real estate experts, some of whom also know Robert personally. I'm sure together we can help you adjust to the goal. Dasi Leibel Would you like to help our new company? I know you know Robert personally and have been on a journey with him.