Why is the US Census site used? * Part 2/2 * In the process of transaction analysis I enter the site…
Why is the US Census site used? * Part 2/2 *
In the process of analyzing a transaction I enter the Population Census website
American, to obtain information on migration, type of population, development
Of cities and countries and more…
Once a year every American citizen receives an oak home with a personal survey
Which must fulfill itself: age, employment, race, gender, income, etc.
If not, they will pay a fine.
Let's browse the site and learn it.
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Albert and Jonathan choose real estate
Link to the original post in the United States Real Estate Forum on Facebook - Works on a desktop computer (To view the post must be members approved for the forum):
The original responses to the post can be read at the bottom of the current post page on the site or in the link to a post on Facebook and of course you are invited to join the discussion