Mitap Survey February 2019 - Rate your experience from 5 stars to 1…
Original publication date on the United States Real Estate Forum on Facebook:
Mitap Survey February 2019 - Rate your experience from 5 stars to 1 stars - Please refer to the content you received against the expectations you had and are invited to share positive insights and also what improvement is needed to continue. Thanks friends!
Link to the original post on the United States Real Estate Forum on Facebook - Works on a desktop computer:
The original responses to the post can be read at the bottom of the current post page on the site or in the link to a post on Facebook and of course you are invited to join the discussion
Hey ?
An excellent meeting that completely raised important issues in our real estate world.
A little advice.
Add a corner where each time a different entrepreneur will present what he is looking for at these moments.
Connections to the team, investors, a deal, a partner on the way, help in a certain area.
And thus turn to the public for cooperation.
This will create closeness between entrepreneurs and strengthen cooperation between forum members.
We have already learned that sometimes an entrepreneur can be very lonely - but hardly anyone puts it on the agenda. ?
Thank you all for the beautiful ratings - warms the heart and definitely makes you want to organize another such metap later!
Thanks Naor Fliker. If you would like to appear as a lecturer entrepreneur, you are welcome to contact us for an examination. You will receive time for your company's self-presentation and lecture time. Thanks!
Besides, I am sure that an event for this event will be much better. What is amazing is that entrepreneurs came to study. Entrepreneurs came to hear and recognize and perhaps even build collaborations.
Jonathan and I found someone to interview in one of our videos .. so be prepared 🙂
And someone interested in marketing our projects.
As far as I'm concerned, it's clear to me that there is tremendous value to this mitep.
I warmly recommend to all investors .. from the big to the small ... to get to these events.
This time of month is a good reason for you to jump to Israel