Post #3: Project I've disqualified part of the game I'm playing in. It's getting into lots of contracts and making sure ...
Post #3:
Project I Disqualified
Part of the game I'm playing is to go into a lot of contracts and make sure the numbers of the deal and if not good ... smells not good ... then come on.
So I'll share one of the deals that didn't work for me and I rejected it based on Hunch.
The numbers were great:
Purchase 82
Renovation 65
Sale 220
The area is great.
I received first hand and… shell! The deal is working.
Talking to the realtor and telling her: "Listen to the numbers are getting done so I send in insufficiency and another contractor and forward"
The realtor rejoices with joy and so am I.
Two days later, the report comes in full coordination with the other contractor.
I'm reviewing and opening the report and receiving a phone call from a Venice contractor has opened a new branch in Down Town Indianapolis.
So I could argue about the price. I was able to cut the price even more than I should have, but Idit Yunji Shira Ben-Dror Asher told himself that the owner of the house who lived in the house had to report it (he had to reveal it) but chose not to (or rather decided not) Which is hot for the investor who will buy the property.
At this point we did an urgent management meeting and told ourselves "if he hid that who knows what else will happen in this house and we and we are not willing to work with people who are unfair or dishonest".
I signed a mutual release and Allah Maak.
So, what would you do?
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Sounds a great opportunity
It's a light repair with a good plumber - do not give up and move on with the right numbers - do not give up on a flip deal
I was like you coming out of a deal like that. Once there is no trust there is no trust. Well done champions
The two houses I renovated in Indie had such problems. Assuming that the house has not sunk, and that the walls are straight, without buckling and bowing, then the problem can be eliminated by making sure that the water is diverted away from the foundations. I bet there's some downspout that sends water to this corner. In my experience, even if there are holes and cracks in the walls you can sometimes just make sure that the water does not accumulate near the foundations. (Normal gutters, ground slope away from the foundations)
I would still make a low offer. Everything has a price, and who knows, maybe the seller would accept it. If the seller accepts the low offer and I no longer feel like messing with the property, then I would try to wholesale and of course I would provide the intended buyer with all the information about the house.
I would put the broker on a gondola… You did right
Almog Hemo
I think this approach is an approach that will cause you unnecessary losses because you are motivating and "trying to educate" the seller…
While my values of the staff I work with on a regular basis are important, a seller is a seller… whether he is fair or unfair and on what values he is founded is really not my problem…
I'm looking at the deal cold, did you get a detailed inspection report? Do the numbers work? Have you decided to give up the deal just because you do not want to work with a seller who "did not say in advance that there was a problem"? Guess what? Leaving money on the floor…
I make a distinction between casual people and relationships…
And here, in this case with the seller? There is no meaning to values and there is no room for emotions…
I must admit that for me what the owner says or does not say, is irrelevant, neither before nor after… Ray he can tell stories from here to Japan about not knowing, yes knowing etc.
Precisely because of this it is important to make independent controls (as you did wisely)
People give up or rely on a “word” of a seller or lender or a wholesaler and eat it hard (know a lot of stories like that)
I would suggest a low bid that reflects the correction + risk range and takes the seller out of the equation.
Just as I do not care what price he is asking, I'm interested in how much I'm willing to pay.
So I look at the deal in a cold way.
Good investments!
I'm in your place to improve the local team
Before you sign a contract and send an informator, send someone on your behalf (usually from a range). To photograph your house. If you saw such a fundamental problem in the first place, you would not have dealt with it and saved the cost of the prospect.
I would demand a drastic price cut, and extend the time to the prospect until I get 2 from contractors.
They lower the purchase price and put the amount for renovation. If the renovation
It costs you 65 this renovation
So large in any case you exchange 90% of your home.
Wow Crazy Post! How important it is to check things out in advance and avoid unpleasant surprises. Well done and thanks for sharing!