US Real Estate Forum - April-May 2019 - Meetup!
Original publication date on the United States Real Estate Forum on Facebook:
Dear family! Dwarfs and giants!
Real Estate and Bieber want to invite you to this month's crazy event! Real Estate Forum Group Networking Meetup US !!!
Following the remarkable success of the February metaphor 2019 - we are preparing for the next metaphor during Lior Lustig's visit to Israel in April - May. You got it !!! Mittap! In Israel - USA Real Estate Forum - April-May 2019 Exact date will be given below - If the date doesn't suit you, your money will be refunded only 85 tickets! The previous events were sold out! Discounted prices for the first buyers - 5 price levels! Dwarfs - how does a free live consultation sound to you where an entrepreneur with many years of experience will answer all your questions and try to promote your dream? A giant dwarf session with experienced entrepreneurs - included in the price! Two lucky entrepreneurs will talk to you about their work, then they will give a short valuable lecture on the concepts you asked to learn when purchasing the ticket, and finally a random dwarf will be assigned to each entrepreneur by a live lottery of pulling a note from the hat and a live session on the stage where all the dwarf's questions will be answered - so dwarfs, come prepared with a series of 10 Questions you would most like to ask an experienced entrepreneur - the winners will receive a full Q&A session with the entrepreneur live. In addition, there will be a discussion/panel with the audience with questions asked by the community and participants - Priceless!!! Included in the price! Giants - Come tell us your story - Two giants will be drawn to go on stage and tell everyone how they bought their first property and about interesting real estate stories they've been through - "Entrepreneur of the Week" live!!! Included in the price! So what's in the program: 1. Networking - 20 minutes 2. Lior Lustig and Ido Neumann - Opening remarks - 5 MinutesThis is the only record of the year that Lior Lustig will be physically present on his visit from New York! 3. Entrepreneur Lecture Self Presentation 5 Minutes + Entrepreneur Value Lecture 10 Minutes + Session Questions Giant Gnome Answers with the Entrepreneur - 15 Minutes 4. Giant Story - Raffling a giant's name from the hat and inviting him to the stage to tell his story of how he purchased his first property in the US - 10 minutes 5. Break + Networking - 20 minutes 6. Guest lecture - 15 minutes 7. Entrepreneur Lecture Self Presentation 5 Minutes + Entrepreneur Value Lecture 10 Minutes + Session Questions Giant Gnome Answers with the Entrepreneur - 15 Minutes 8. Giant Story - Raffling a giant's name from the hat and inviting him to the stage to tell his story of how he purchased his first property in the US - 10 minutes 9. Panel Questions and Answers with Experienced Entrepreneurs Members - Organizing such an event requires lots of work and also costs quite a bit of money. Beyond the cost of the class, the quality catering, the photographer, etc., there are many associated costs like design, print roll-up, etc. and the money you pay covers it. If there is excess money, he will go to develop systems and content for the benefit of the forum so that we can grow and improve. This Meetup is for you and we are working 24 / 7 to realize it and maintain a quality forum so if you want the tradition to turn into monthly, vote with your feet and come in. Crazy shot - every participant will get the Bieber - Car Sticker - included in the price! - You can purchase additional stickers and shirts at the time of the ticket purchase! On the spot: We rented you a grade of 85 people - we increased the class due to the previous event being sold in full in record time. To make it easier for those who are financially stressed, we have created a number of price levels so that everyone can find the right price for them - those who want to secure a lower and less critical price for their seat, who will book the ticket early. Those who are less critical to the price of the ticket, or would like to sit back more, will purchase the more expensive tickets that help subsidize the cheap tickets. We have booked for you catering as King's Hand. We have a photographer for the event documentation and the photos will be distributed to the Knesset to subsidize the membership cards, we offer you two promotional cards. Your 5 Minutes + 10 Minutes Personal Lecture A value lecture you will give to the community based on your requested + session with a random dwarf from the audience who will receive free live advice from you and answer 10 questions to the audience - show the audience what you know and how a consulting session works! Gets exposure and advertising Mighty !!! - What does the developer card include? (The price is subsidized to the first mitep). 5 A personal lecture to everyone of 10 minutes Presentation of the activity of your company + 2 minutes Lecture lecture value of a subject that the entrepreneur is familiar with and according to topics that interest the conference attendees (when you buy a ticket you can specify which topics are interesting to hear) XNUMX. Live consultation with a random dwarf who has not yet acquired one-on-one property in front of the entire class and show the entire audience your knowledge and consultation process - you have the opportunity to show everyone how much you should come to consult and work with you 3. Video posting of the entrepreneur's lecture with his self-presentation + value + a huge dwarf session in the forum with exposure to over 1400 investors + the video at the top of the forum to 12 hours.
Shared to United States Real Estate Forum
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