Hello everyone, Flash sports update for the third weekend of December on the status of the leading trio ...
Original publication date on the United States Real Estate Forum on Facebook:
Hello everyone,
A sports flash update for the third weekend of December on our top trio status.
As we expected, Bracha Light not only rose one stage from third place due to being “Entrepreneur of the Week” but even picked the first and honored place! Just see how much exposure gets “Entrepreneur of the Week”!
Greeting is the queen of our responses with 121 comments! Unbelievable! As we expected adding posts made her fly up!
Greeting also wins world immunity by staying in the forum due to real estate cuts for 2019. And of course in world glory.
Shai Bar weakens this week and drops to second place after Bracha Shai the giant from Detroit took the first place when he was our entrepreneur of the week. Do not give up! Keep sharing regularly and maintain your world fame! And of course you also won world immunity as a super sharer! Shay is also our post king with ten posts! Shay will increase the comments and easily rise to the first place!
Michael Jacksonville disappeared completely from the table. Too bad. Was in second place.
And Daniel Dahan rose this week to the third and honorable place and also wins world immunity! Daniel responded 85 comments!!!! Huge huge! Daniel you are 36 comments behind Bracha. Put a strong gas and encourage everyone!
Link to the original post on the United States Real Estate Forum on Facebook - Works on a desktop computer:
The original responses to the post can be read at the bottom of the current post page on the site or in the link to a post on Facebook and of course you are invited to join the discussion
Bracha Light
Came and bombed….?
Go on ..
Bless you Queen!
Blessing cannon on obviously is first place
Wai. I click on the comments a few days I was not here and I lagged nervous.
The main thing is immunity?