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  1. Hi Dani Beit-Or - great question - because the forum is unpublished so it does not look like a bulletin board, I have organized for the current and future "Entrepreneurs of the Week" an area where they can post real estate events on the forum's site - it could be a real estate event, Webinar or live video. You are welcome to help Danny and upload your events to the site independently. To do this, you must register for the site in the "Seller" profile, go to the menu for the community-> Events-> Advertising a real estate event and send your event for approval. Note that this is an additional benefit for "Entrepreneurs of the Week" only who contributed 7 posts of value for an entire week - posting one event for each entry that came up - you ran out of seven posts - feel free to upload more posts of value to win more posts - as usual Win-Win For everyone - the forum and the community get about, and the developers get publicity - so if you are not yet registered as such, what are you waiting for? Successfully !