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The role of the rewriter in the Hard Mani Underwriter loan

The role of underwriting underwriting in the hard money company What is the part of the underwriter (hereinafter "rewriter") in the "hard money" loan? And why is this role more complex as opposed to a regular “conventional” mortgage? In this article we will review and summarize the complex role of the loan reporter in the hard man loan. It should be noted that this position is usually filled by a person with rich experience in real estate, who is familiar with the area in which he resides…

Hard Money - a dubious loan from the gray market?

Hard money and a gray market When an investor hears the words Hard money lenders, the first association that usually comes to mind are "dubious lenders - a gray market", who run their business in dark alleys for a fee. Admittedly, in previous years there were quite a few criminal entities that dealt in loans of this type. In recent years, however, "hard money" loans have been monitored (regulated). Fortunately,…
