About love and business

#IzmahShavuot Shani Amram #post4

A few months later I met my beloved Daniel, who grew up in Israel and like me came with the same dream and empty pockets. When we started dreaming of a life together, real estate had a place of honor in our dreams. Although Daniel at this point was after several flips and rental deals, while moving we learned together how to bring out our strengths as entrepreneurs, how our different ways of thinking enrich the deal process. After the first flip together, each of us completed studies to expand the toolbox and today Daniel is a Construction Project Manager and I am a Customer Success Manager. 

Much has been written and said about working with spouses. My two cents are this: if there is good friendship and breathing space, quality communication and of course love - then spouses are the perfect business partners. My success is his and vice versa. More than that, if you do what you love, then everything gets mixed up in such a good mess, that you sit in the evening on a watermelon in the yard and talk a little of this and a little of that, listen a lot, give and receive comments and clarifications, think about how to improve and get better and make the work better together time after time. hamsa hamsa 🧿 

We entered the first transaction with a hard money loan at an astronomical interest rate and a little equity. I remember us sitting at night in the cramped apartment where we lived and counting dollar for dollar what we were able to save for the benefit of this deal, which we entered into at the height of the corona virus - a completely broken house in a neighborhood that is nothing at all. 9 months later the house was sold and we made a nice profit. To tell the truth, the gain was mostly mental, I did it, finally. At the same time, we were required to learn lessons, we racked our brains on how to reduce costs, optimize ourselves and the entire process. We came to the deal that followed with more understanding and felt that there was room to go up a grade - but the jump involved substantial changes in the way the deal was sewn and there were prices for that, I will tell about that in the next post.

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