Opening an American limited liability company - LLC - Limited Liability Company
What does the LLC opening service include:
Obtaining a company number - EIN - Employer Identification Number
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique identification number assigned to a business entity so that it can be easily identified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It is commonly used by employers for tax reporting purposes. The EIN is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number.
Explanation in English:
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique identification number that is assigned to a business entity so that it can easily be identified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It is commonly used by employers for the purpose of reporting taxes. The EIN is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number.Receiving an operating agreement - Operating Agreement
An LLC Operating Agreement is a legal document that outlines the ownership and member obligations of your LLC. This agreement allows you to determine the financial and labor relations among the owners of the company ("members of the LLC") and between the members of the group and the managers of the group.
Explanation in English:
An LLC Operating Agreement is a legal document that outlines the ownership and member duties of your Limited Liability Company. This agreement allows you to set out the financial and working relations among business owners ("members") and between members and managers.
- The service does not include:
- $50 per person Submitting a BOI Report - this is a mandatory submission that you cannot open a company without
- State fee - varies from state to state
- Registered Agent - $100 per year
The documents you will need to send to us:
Opening an American LLC :
1. Photocopy of the passport of the future owner of the company or of the authorized signatory on the account and of each partner
2. The address of the registered agent - The address to which letters will be sent. Usually there will be the address of the management company. If it is not possible to give the address of the management company. You can use our address at a cost of 200 dollars per year. We will scan every mail that arrives and send it to your email.
3. Three possible names for the new company – The reason multiple options must be provided is to make sure the names are not taken and are valid
4. A written explanation about who the partners will be in the company and in what percentage
Company opening time is about 7 business days to open the company (there is no commitment on opening time)
The waiting time for the EIN number is usually about two or three weeks.
If the company was not opened for any reason, the amount will be refunded with the exception of expenses incurred by third parties during the process and for which no reimbursement can be received.
The service includes the lawyers' fees, collecting and editing the documents.
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